What is Myofascial Release?
Myofascial Release is a hands-on physical therapy that involves applying gentle pressure to the Myofascial tissue restrictions to eliminate an individual’s pain and restore movement (Myofascial Release).
Myofascial Release is used to treat Myofascial pain syndrome that can often be caused by sensitivity or tightness in the Myofascial tissues. Myofascial Release focuses on reducing people’s pain by concentrating on “trigger points,” which may sometimes be hard to locate. For this reason, therapists focus on a broad area of the body (HealthLine).
Research has shown that Myofascia works as a distributive network that can become constrained, which requires healing to relieve pressure and pain (Anatomy Trains). Tensegrity is an excellent way for massage therapists and physical therapists to understand how to heal retracted Myofascial Tissue.
Tensegrity is a combination of the words Tension + Integrity created by Buckminster Fuller, working from the original artwork of Kenneth Snelson (Anatomy Trains). "Tensegrity is conceptually, the most efficient use of materials to enclose a volume in a highly adaptable manner.” (Anatomy Trains).
Tensegrity is modeled to understand how Myofascia is constructed and how rather than the human body being bones stacked on top of each other, there is a tension dependency (Anatomy Trains). Tensegrity helps massage therapists and physical therapists learn how to repair and restore constrained Myofascial Tissue.
How Does Myofascial Release Work?
A massage therapist focuses on massaging the Myofascia and feels for stiff or tightened areas; then, the therapist will massage and stretch the tense areas. This process may be repeated several times until the area doesn't feel tense and is relieved.
“Myofascial release works the broader network of muscles that might be causing your pain. It tries to reduce tension throughout your body by releasing trigger points across a broad section of your muscular system.” (healthline)
Who Can Benefit From Myofascial Release?
Many people can benefit from Myofascial Release, including:
People with Myofascial Syndrome
People with Chronic Headaches
People with Venous Insufficiency
People with Fibromyalgia
People with Sports Injuries or other significant injuries
People in general with Muscle Pain and Tensions
Where do I go for Myofascial Release Treatment?
If Myofascial Release intrigues you, many massage therapists and holistic healing businesses practice Myofascial Release, including Mind and Body Fitness Connections. At Mind and Body Fitness Connections, Myofascial release can be apart of your tailored-to-you massage therapy plan.
Learn More About Mind and Body Fitness Connections Massage Therapy Plans Here
Chelsea Black
Social Media Manager and Blog Writer